Relegion's Educational schools
- Educational l Groups operate in the Holy Church of Sant Irene Riganokampos
- Preschoolers taking plece together with primary school students
- High School & College
- University Studentsworkers and older.
- In the above levels, the teaching is carried out by the vicar of our Holy Church, f. Irenaios Sotiropoulos except for the smaller section where the teaching is carried out by an experienced group of catechists.
- All classes take place in the Spiritual Center of the parish, on the street 127 Ioannou Damaskinou str. and are carried out Saturday and Sunday during the following hours:
- Preschool and Primary School Every Saturday 3.30pm – 5:30 p.m.(With time dedicated to children's creative work and entertainment)
- High School -College Every Sunday 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
- Department of Students, workers and adults with the title: "LIGHT AND LIFE": Every Sunday 8.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
At the younger ages, stories from the Old and New Testaments are taught, children's prayers are learned, and in general the children are acclimatized to the church spirit. This section aims to convey Christian experiences and experiences recorded in the inner world of children.At this age the child is already cultivating his character and has the need for essential church information and knowledge. This is where the first substantial acquaintance with God takes place and with this experience the child's personality develops more completely.
In combination with the game, the puppet theater and the painting and various activities the younger children spend creative and pleasant hours.
Our biggest youth fellowships made up of young men and women who gradually face the challenges of life have as a center of gravity issues of spiritual, youth and social concernAt the same time, the information on matters of divine worship and the analysis of the Gospel discourse continues.
In addition to the teaching of Religious courses and the coverage of various spiritual pursuits, it is worth noting:
The opportunity children have to entertain themselves (within our Spiritual Center) with use of computers, the use of television gaming machines, the use of board games and table tennis..
Catechetical Photos of Young Children
Photos of dpt. High School-Adults
The dance department of the Youth Group of Agia Irini of Riganocampus of Patras was created in 2004 with the aim of supporting and continuing the Greek tradition and promoting and disseminating the folklore elements of our homeland.
It consists of young men, women and children of all ages who are also members of the spiritual youth work that takes place in the parish church of Agia Irini.
Our dance department has participated in dozens of performances, primarily as a representative of the Holy Metropolis of Patras in the context of PROTOKLITEIA and in anniversaries of our national rebirth, but also as a guest of other dance groups inside and outside the prefecture of Achaia. It is worth mentioning the participation, after invitation, in a festival of traditional dances, in the summer of 2018 on the island of Mytilini.
The continuous present is given by invitation to events of various cultural clubs and parishes as well as in the form of social action in institutions of our city.
Members of the dance department have attended various traditional dance seminars from time to time.

Educational tours to Monasteries and nature
- Frequent excursions are organized of medium and larger sections in various parts of our country with religious interest e.g. Holy Monasteries, cultural e.g. Archaeological sites and educational e.g. digital planetarium etc.
- The visit in various institutions of our city
Other activities
- Presentation of Christmas holidays and March 25th holidays in our Spiritual Center with songs, theatrical skits and poems
- Her in general participation and presence of young people to the daily needs of the temple, especially during the periods of holidays and festivals.